The Center for Prosocial Development
is a collaborative practice providing clinical services, education, and training using evidence-based methods. Evidence-based methods are based on existing research regarding methods associated with positive and prosocial outcomes. The target population is adolescents and youth adults ages 12 to 25.
The goal of services is to promote prosocial behaviors in this population. Significant changes occur in brain development and social and emotional reasoning and behavior during this age range. Physical changes, great independence, and the influence of peer relations can contribute to problematic behavior during these ages. Services are addressed to promote prosocial behavior and thinking in these group.
our services

We provide individual, group, and family counseling. The approach to treatment is comprehensive and has a primary goal of promoting prosocial thinking and behavior. There are important changes during adolescence and young adulthood in these areas and focused treatment can promote these outcomes. Evidence-based methods are used in the treatment consistent with best practices in the field. Counseling with youth focuses on promoting prosocial thinking and behavioral skills. Counseling with parents focuses on helpful approaches and information to promote positive outcomes in youth. Telehealth services are available.
Assessment services
Assessment services are provided to families to help with treatment planning. We also provide comprehensive psychological and neuropsychological assessments of adolescents and young adults. Effective treatment requires accurate and thorough psychological assessment. Best practices assessment methods are used which are based on the best available research. The assessment uses various methods including clinical interviews, behavioral and symptom rating scales, and academic, cognitive, and neuropsychological methods.
Forensic assessments as requested by attorneys, probation, or the courts is provided. Most frequently assessment to request regarding the treatment needs of the youth and risk for future problem behaviors. Specialty evaluations include assessment of neuropsychological and problematic sexual behavior problems.


We provide training in various areas related to prosocial development which are evidence-based. This includes psychological and brain development for adolescents and young adults. Training regarding assessment methods is provided including for forensic populations. Training in a variety of treatment methods is possible including Aggression Replacement Training and Being a Pro.
Cost of Services
The cost of services is arranged with practitioners. Many practitioners can provide services using health insurance. Forensic services likewise are ranged with individual practitioners.